Strolling Thunder
Hardships and Joys: Parenting and Pushing for Affordable Child Care
Jessica is a mom of three children under 6 in Oklahoma City. She didn’t plan to stay at home, but as an early childhood educator, she earned too little to pay for her own children’s care. Her story is featured on Squeezed, a podcast hosted by Yvette Nicole Brown and created in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which highlights the hardships and joys of caregiving across America.
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Jessica expl...
Strolling Thunder Town Halls
Join ZERO TO THREE for a series of conversations with families of infants and toddlers from across the country and hear about what really matters to them as they struggle with rising prices, accessing high-quality child care, and more. Happening on September 18, September 25 and October 1.
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“Strolling Thunder” Hits Washington
Video from NBC news highlights families’ stories from Strolling Thunder 2019 and their legislative asks, especially access to paid leave.
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The Real Problem With Paid Family Leave is How to Fund It
Bloomberg article highlighting families’ efforts to advocate for paid leave as part of Strolling Thunder and discussing Democratic and Republican bills and funding mechanisms.
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No motorcycle-riding tots, but plenty of tired parents
News article from Roll Call highlighting Strolling Thunder rally, families’ stories and issues related to paid leave access and health care expenses.
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