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Strolling Thunder Town Halls

Join ZERO TO THREE for a series of conversations with families of infants and toddlers from across the country and hear about what really matters to them as they struggle with rising prices, accessing high-quality child care, and more. Happening on September 18, September 25 and October 1.   
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Hardships and Joys: Parenting and Pushing for Affordable Child Care

Jessica is a mom of three children under 6 in Oklahoma City. She didn’t plan to stay at home, but as an early childhood educator, she earned too little to pay for her own children’s care. Her story is featured on Squeezed, a podcast hosted by Yvette Nicole Brown and created in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which highlights the hardships and joys of caregiving across America.

Jessica expl...

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The Joy of Connection: Our 2023 Impact Report

Our commitment to putting babies at the center of everything we do is not just a statement, it's a testament to the profound impact that focused connection can bring. We are proud to showcase our many achievements this past year — made with your support.
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State of Babies Yearbook 2023: Data for Policymakers and Advocates

The State of Babies Yearbook: 2023 makes clear that our nation’s systems have not ensured all babies have the supports they need to thrive. A nation that tolerates grave disparities and does not prize equity cannot be strong in the long term.
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Parents hold the federal government accountable for child care challenges

A new poll from ZERO TO THREE in collaboration with Morning Consult makes clear that parents of infants and toddlers want federal policymakers to do more to address challenges facing their families – especially when it comes to reinstating the enhanced Child Tax Credit.  
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Close to 90% of parents want Congress to support families in the FY24 Budget

A new poll from Morning Consult and ZERO TO THREE makes clear that an overwhelming bipartisan majority parents of infants and toddlers want Congress to make programs supporting children and families a top priority, new polling data revealed
87% of parents with infants and toddlers say that addressing the needs of children and families should be either a top or important priority this budget cycle.
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Policy and Advocacy Achievements for Babies in 2022

We asked you to Be a Big Voice for Little KidsTM in 2022, and you delivered. Thank you! As we look back on an eventful year, these are just some of the ways baby champions like you stood strong and moved policy change for babies and families.  
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85% of Parents Want Action on Child Tax Credit

A new poll from ZERO TO THREE in collaboration with Morning Consult makes clear that parents of infants and toddlers want federal policymakers to do more to address challenges facing their families – especially when it comes to reinstating the enhanced Child Tax Credit.
85% of respondents say it’s important for Congress to reinstate the expanded, fully refundable Child Tax Credit


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Social Determinants of Health for Infants and Toddlers

The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) for infants and toddlers shape development from the start, with life-long consequences. Our latest report, produced in partnership with Child Trends, uses State of Babies Yearbook data to cast light on the specific Social Determinants of Health for babies and their families.  The resulting robust picture of economic and social resources available to the nation’s babies shows that while many young children are thriving, Black, Hispanic, and Ame...
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State of Babies Yearbook 2022: Data for Policymakers and Advocates

The State of Babies Yearbook: 2022 makes clear that our nation’s systems have not ensured all babies have the supports they need to thrive. A nation that tolerates grave disparities and does not prize equity cannot be strong in the long term.
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Building Momentum: A Messaging Guide for the Earliest Years

We know early experiences shape how a baby’s brain develops, laying the foundation for future learning, behavior, and health. We also know that when families with young children have the supports they need, babies grow in the nurturing environments that contribute to enriching early learning experiences, strong health and nutrition, and healthy development. To make the best and most urgent case for the policies that support babies and their families, the National Collaborative for Infants ...
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